Second row, left to right:
1. Martin of Tours, d. 397. Roman soldier and later bishop. Depicted with sword used to cut his cloak in half to clothe a beggar.
2. Alban, d. ca. 303. Depicted with sword, traditional instrument of his martyrdom. First martyr in Britain.
3. Polycarp, d. 155. Bishop of Smyrna, pupil of Apostle John, martyr.
4. Christ the Priest.
5. Irenaeus, d. 202. Pupil of Polycarp, theologian; later bishop of Lyons, France.
6. Boniface, d. 755. Missionary bishop to Germany, martyr. Depicted with ax used to cut down a tree sacred to pagans.
7. John of Damascus, d. 760. Developed Byzantine sacred music.
Second row, left to right. Identified in text to left.
Top row, left to right. Identified in text to right.
Third row, left to right:
1. John Chrysostom, d. 407. Archbishop, prolific author, famed for eloquent preaching.
2. Germanus of Auxerre, d. 448. Bishop sent to Britain to counter Pelagian heresy.
3. Clement of Alexandria, d. 220. Theologian, philosopher, teacher, author.
4. Christ the Prophet.
5. Athanasius, d. 303. Bishop, scholar, fierce defender of Trinitarian faith against Arian heresy.
6. Alfred the Great, d. 901. Wise and devout Saxon king who defeated Viking raiders and later reformed education and law in peaceful Wessex. Depicted with a harp; legend has him spying on the Viking camp in the guise of a minstrel.
7. Lanfranc of Canterbury, d. 1098. Archbishop, counselor to King William the Conqueror, and leader of the Norman renewal of the church in England.
Top row, left to right:
1. Jerome, d. 420. Depicted as cardinal with book. Translated Bible into Latin.
2. Ambrose, d. 397. Bishop with dove of Holy Spirit whispering in his ear. Developed sacred music.
3. Peter. Apostle to the Jews. Depicted with keys: see Matthew 16:19.
4. Christ the King
5. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles. Depicted with a sword, the traditional instrument of his martyrdom in Rome.
6. Augustine, d. 430. Bishop, developed western theology.
7. Gregory the Great, d. 604. Pope with dove at ear and book. Traditional patron of church music. Organized worship into form still followed; sent missionaries to Britain.
Water and shells
represent baptism.
Fourth row:
Events surrounding the life of Christ.
1. Annunciation
2. Nativity
3. Presentation in the Temple
4. The young Jesus teaching the elders
5. Resurrection
6. Ascension
7. Pentecost
Symbols of the seven sacraments are arranged around an incense burner representing prayer (Psalm 141:2, “Let my prayer be counted as incense before [God].” From the top, the sacraments represented are:
1. Penance, or Reconciliation
2. Confirmation
3. Holy Orders, or Ordination
4. Baptism (one of the two major sacraments)
5. Marriage
6. Unction, or Anointing of the Sick
7. Holy Communion (the other major sacrament)
This window by the Charles J. Connick Studios of Boston was installed in 1954, although the first dreams and sketches of its design began in the early 1920s. It features symbols of the sacraments above figures of Christ as prophet, priest, and king, along with many early saints, presented in a style reminiscent of medieval art, on a background of deep blue glass, much like the blue stained glass seen in the great medieval cathedrals of Europe.
It was given by members of the congregation “to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for those who have served their church and their country.” Its theme is the church on earth; the north window represents the church in heaven.
Third row, left to right. Identified in text to right.
Fourth row, left to right. Identified in text to left.