Music touches the soul in ways that words simply cannot. At Grace Church, we believe deeply in the power of music to bring us closer to the divine. Come! Enjoy! Sing!
Since 1879, Grace has prized its adult and youth choirs. Click here for more information about our adult choir. And watch this space to learn more about our two youth choirs.
This prayer is written in choir members’ hymnals and prayed together after services:
Grant, O Lord,
that the words which we have said
and sung with our lips,
we may believe in our hearts,
and practice in our lives,
through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Music is an important part of our worship here at Grace. You are invited to share your musical talents, vocal or instrumental, either by joining one of our choirs or offering a voluntary during Sunday morning worship.
Please contact Madeleine Woodworth at this link.