Click the button below to make a
pledge payment.
Click the button below
to give to Grace.
Leave the Notes field
in the PayPal form blank
to support all Grace's many ministries through our general fund,
or you may enter a special purpose here.
Grace is charged a 2.2% processing fee for each PayPal transaction.
Some donors choose to add that amount to their gift.
Give by automatic monthly deduction from your checking or savings account.
Click here for an ACH form to print out
or request a copy from the treasurer
or the church office.
Fill it in and return it with a voided check
to the church office.
By Check
Checks made payable to Grace Episcopal Church
may be dropped in the offering plate or mailed to the church office:
924 Lake Street
Oak Park, IL 60301
Leave the memo line blank to support all Grace's many ministries
through our general fund,
or you may enter a special purpose here.
Grace incurs no charge for these transactions.
Your Generosity = Our Future
Grace Church is deeply grateful for the many ways you support Grace –
from the time and talent you offer to the treasure you share.
Our most profound thanks.