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Southeast vestibule

St. Cecilia, left. 3rd-century Roman martyr, traditional patron of music and musicians. Willet, 1924.

For the Healing of the Nations.

Northwest vestibule

Ssh Angel.

Southwest vestibule
“Jacob’s Dream," above. See Genesis 28:10-22. Willet, 1957.

St. Gregory.

The three vestibules, southwest, southeast, and northwest, also have stained glass windows of note.

St. Cecilia.

"For the Healing of the Nations" window.

"Ssh Angel," right. Connick, 1958.

St. Gregory, right. Pope Gregory I (d. 604) is the traditional creator of Roman chant. Willet, 1924.

Vestibule Windows

“For the Healing of the Nations,” paired window, below. See Revelation 22:2. Willett, 1961.

Jacob's Dream.